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Longboarding is like dancing. A dance with the ocean. On water. Graceful, delicate, smooth, peaceful, elegant.

Originally from Germany, Concha has sea water in her veins, her heart beats with the rolling of the waves and lives with the rythm of the tides. She is a true water soul, as she glides through the waves with grace and dances softly on them while her face lights up with each experience with a huge smile full of peace and gratitude.

A great lady slider who wants to inspire and encourage other women on their journey.

Concha found her soul-place in the Algarve and carries a nomadic life in her heart. She travels the world for surf-trips or her retreats and coaching weeks. She won first place in a Longboard contest twice whilst travelling New Zealand. Her love of surfing and the ocean reflects in spending most hours of the day in the water, catching waves and being at peace.

„Its not about becoming the best surfer or showing off, its about playfulness, reconnecting with simplicity and becoming one with the sea“ It’s lovely to be in the water with Concha- both surfing or photographing. She is inspiring with her story and philosophy, she brings energy, peace and joy to the ones around her.

„When I paddle out I can leave the confusion and chaos of the world behind…. Surfing is a moment of nourishing and rejuicing, a form of meditation and medicine for mind and soul“

Follow Concha and her @seasoulstories on Instagram. Find out about her Holistic Surf Coaching & Travels at

Have a look at my latest blog-post where I was shooting Concha for Mymarini Swimwear.

We will definitly will make more shootings in the future and we are right now talking about a trip to some warmer water with perfect longboardwaves. Keep updated here on the blog or on my Instagram feed: @karokrassel

The photos were shot at a beautiful sunset-session in Bordeira, Algarve, Portugal

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